Hello Civ fans,
Today we're pushing out a small patch to address some immediate Advanced Access game issues. We are reading and collecting all of your player feedback, and while we'll have more to share on future patches at a later time, you can read our latest blog post (link) to learn more about what we're prioritizing for the game in the meantime.
Today's patch is a focused set of fixes we had the ability to quickly and confidently ship. Please continue to send us your feedback on Steam (link) and Discord (link)).
Hotfix notes
General game stability improvements, including regional game crashes.
Fixed a bug for players on Mac that were experiencing Mac system sounds whenever keypresses were made in game.
今天我们将推出一个小补丁,以解决一些紧急的高级访问版游戏问题。我们正在阅读并收集所有玩家的反馈意见,虽然我们将在稍后的时间分享更多关于未来补丁的信息,但你可以阅读我们最新的博客文章(链接 #)以了解我们目前在游戏中优先处理的内容。
今天的补丁是一组我们能够快速且有信心发布的针对性修复。请继续通过Steam(链接 #)和Discord(链接 #)向我们反馈意见。
• 提升了游戏的整体稳定性,包括解决区域性游戏崩溃问题。
• 修复了一个影响Mac玩家的漏洞,该漏洞导致玩家在游戏过程中按键时会听到Mac系统声音。